“We call his name and pretty soon he saunters into view, looking a little sheepish (and looking for all the world like Bagheera the panther from The Jungle Book with the way he swings his skinny hips).”

I know that dog. I have that dog too. ☺️

Good one Susie—it’s the simplest of pleasures that arise the most joy in our day to day.

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Definitely. 🌺

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I love this: "When I’m out and about, running into someone from the program is uplifting. Whether we just lock eyes and nod or stop and have a few words, we’re communicating support to each other." That's the secret magic of "the program," particularly in a small community. That strange sense of joy and recognition. I also love learning a bit more about your life. Have you written more about the marriage you left and the unhelpful relationship you later got into before feeling you deserved your husband now? That is such a wonderful love - and it shows in this writing and in all your posts where you take walks together. Thanks for opening your newsletter for Recovery Month. I didn't know there was one!

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Hi Kirie,

I'm just becoming aware of Recovery Month, too, but I think it is a good thing! As for writing about my past relationships - I have done some (mostly in drafts of memoir work), but not really published much. My former husband is a good and kind man and I don't wish to cause him any distress. And the former partner has a daughter I adore. But I continue to work on noodling what direction to go in for a memoir and eventually I will be faced with writing about both of them in some way. Who knows where that will go! Thanks for touching base, Susie

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Yeah, people ask me about writing a memoir after they see some of my fiction and/or non-fiction short pieces. And even though my former stepdaughter and I wrote a co-memoir together as a healing practice after her father's death, and we planned to publish it, now it seems too private. And re deeper stuff from childhood, my siblings were involved. So is it "mine to write" as some assure me and write in their books and essays? I guess, in practicing recovery and reading Pema Chodron, compassion for all is the word. Still, as I love your writing, I'd love to read yours.

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I hear you on all of this. I’m taking a class from @elissa altman this fall on permission, which I hope might help get me over some of these hurdles. But yes to Pema and compassion - I only ever feel like I can write about what I know, anyway, since I would have that would make me fair…

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Sep 15Liked by Susie Middleton

Thank you Susie. I stopped in my tracks to read it, in my beautiful shaggy yard, with the 2 dogs waiting around to see what we are going to do next. There’s a wonderful breeze out right now. I feel like your writing caught all the right moments in your day.

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You get it Emily!! And what an incredible day it is today - that breeze! And I love the picture i'm getting of you and the dogs in the shaggy garden. I think I just totally forgot to water half of my perennials during the last several weeks of dry weather, and they're all pretty much a mess. Except for the crazy narrowleaf sunflower which is just blooming. I'm glad to hear your "voice" today and hope we can see you and Billy soon! xo

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Sep 15Liked by Susie Middleton

Lovely slice of island life, Susie, and of your journey.

I use "the hospital" for emergencies but take "the ferry" "over town" for routine stuff. I got a haircut this week from my "hairapist," as she calls herself, though with me the roles seem to be reversed!

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Too funny John - so many similarities. It does make life simpler when the options are fewer, I think! (Love the "hairapist!" and I'm sure she appreciates your willingness to listen!)

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Sep 15Liked by Susie Middleton

Nice piece Susie. Thanks for bearing all- I know your readers- and readers-to-be, can relate to one, if not many, of the sentiments and struggles you share -and then are inspired by the positivity you loop back to, weaving it into your appreciation of the here and now. ❤️🏆🐾

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Thank you Jessica! You are always paying so close attention to everything and I admire that. I appreciate your support and feedback always - and of course love seeing your life with your family and friends in that beautiful spot you live.

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Sep 15Liked by Susie Middleton

Hi Susie, I just love your post, so authentic and down to earth. I love gardening, photography and your posts are just very special. Thanks for sharing and you are doing a great job!!

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Thank you so much Debbie - you are most kind! I'm glad you have gardening and photography - two fulfilling pursuits that definitely help keep one sane and happy!

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Sep 15Liked by Susie Middleton

My gosh, lovely writing. Yes, you seem to be in a good place. Wonderful to have a supporting partner that understands you. And apologies are powerful.

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So true Kathy (re apologies)! And thank you. Trying to learn to just go with the flow! hope you and your garden are well!

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Sep 15Liked by Susie Middleton

Mosquitos and heat are getting me down re:gardening. And being away for a while. It’s dedicated work.

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It is! Just keeping everything watered seems like a Herculean task sometimes. And bring away is hard. I have to adjust my expectations all the time!

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Sep 15Liked by Susie Middleton

Happy that you found your happy place. When I look back at our time together at SW I would have never guess you were an alcoholic. You hid it well. Keep up all you’re doing. You got this!

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Diane, you were always a warm and friendly face to see at the office and wonderful to work with. Thank you for that - and all your support. Newport (and Portsmouth) - still a favorite place and I treasure my time there. I'm glad we have the digital world to stay connected!

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Sep 15Liked by Susie Middleton

Love the life you live now - thanks so much for sharing!! One. day. at a time.

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Absolutely! And thank you - always gives me a smile to see your name here Lila! xo

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