Pink food is kind of attractive!

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It is indeed, Edie!

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I love this, and you probably can guess how much I love Brian Doyle’s work, which I discovered via Cheryl Strayed while I was waiting in an airport for a delayed flight. By the time I had to board, I’d bought the kindle editions of every one of Brian’s books. I so look forward to reading Bill’s work---also, Godine is my new publisher! They’re remarkable! Also: is the church you mention the one that did a zoom talk during Covid between the minister and Terry Tempest Williams? If so--I loved it. MV feels blissful to me. 🙏🏻

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Elissa, I cannot believe I'm just now discovering Brian Doyle -- what a gift. And I had to stop reading essays the other night (no time!) but will look VERY forward to more. OF COURSE you love Brian Doyle! Yes I have been very excited that Bill is with your publisher -- Godine is obviously on top of their game to have you two! And yes, that's the church. Cathlin is amazing as is the church. (That's where we watched the Indigo Girls movie, FYI.) MV is blissful except for the working-all-the-time-to-afford-it aspect and the influx of a gazillion people in the summer (who now seem to think this is the Hamptons!) but fortunately they fly south at the first chilly breeze...

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Love this! Pink faux furry jacket is gorgeous with the sparkly pink gown. It speaks volumes (no pun intended) about who you are. I will check out both the books you mentioned. 🤗

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Penny, I had fun with that whole wedding ensemble, though we planned and executed this wedding in a short amount of time during the pandemic so I mail-ordered everything. The first dress came from England (lovely but didn't fit quite right) and in order to get it back to them we had to go off-Island to use an international shipper that does not pick up on MV -- oy! So when the pink dress fit nicely, that was it !

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