Brilliant post! I was just talking to someone about how butterflies are also a symbol of souls that have passed on. I once went on a shamanic journey to meet my spirit animal. I was a zebra corn. It's stripes were bright plush pink and it said, "Party." I love all the transformation metaphors coming up! I've also noticed that it has been the coolest last two or three years seasonally at the SAME time it has had its hottest days. I’ve changed my mind about everything important, often in multiple iterations. I’ve changed my views on politics at least five and a half times. I’ve changed my view on God more. To be open minded and yet heart-centered and open to Source is liberating, challenging and ultimately leads to soulutions rooted in, as my son put it, "Grassroots all-way-win-soulutions. It's all about becoming symbiotic with the higher pristine Love/Truth both in nature and in our divine shared nature...and the cosmos...instead of codependent or exploitative or parasitic etc.

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I like your positive outlook! (And the pink zebra of course). There does seem to be an air of change and transformation about. I think we have the power to make it change for the better!

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Ha! I wrote you a whole long serious response and it deleted when my wrist touched they pad. Lol! Okay, yes impermanence. And a sense of humor. You see why I got the zebra corn now! Ahahahahahah xoxoxo The other post was something about imaginal cells!

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Susie Middleton

Hi Susie,

It is no surprise the day you posted this I had come from a Chilmark friend's home who had recently had a death in the family. I was leaving after a wonderful visit and a dragonfly came circling around me and it was so persistent I had to just stop to watch it dancing around me. Once I got in my car it literallly followed me down the long driveway and dirt road until I reached the main road. I was so wondering what it all meant and then I found your post in my inbox. Love those synchronicities- thank you for taking the time to observe your life so keenly and then report back to us with love and care. x

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Wow, Polly, that is so incredible! It really makes you wonder, doesn't it! (And I, too, love the synchronicities). You are such a comfort to people at these difficult times - God bless you! Thank you for reading as always and sending love across the Island! xo

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Susie Middleton

Wonderful article that you wrote is timely as I saw two,huge dragonflies outside of Hallmark today! Waiting for the transformation! Cheers!

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Hi Edie. Keep your eye out for those dragonflies! Cheers to you, too, Susie.

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No matter what, it comes down to nature for me. I love Maria's book. I know the Mao story as an example of the ancient adage that my very religious grandfather used to say (in Yiddish): der mensch tracht un gott lacht. Man plans and God laughs. Thank you for this beautiful post--

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So true. And yeah, the thing about nature is that it is infinite....I'm so intrigued by the possibilities.

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Susie Middleton

Thanks, Susie--the scene of your sitting with your back to the sun and your face to the wind....and then the two dragonflies come--reminds me of something John O'Donohue wrote: "When we approach great things with reverence, great things approach us." It's all how we show up. And--I didn't know that John Prine song, even though I love that album--how did I miss that one!

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David - I love that quote from John O'Donohue - thank you! Would that we could all do that with intention on a regular basis, but life makes us approach things with impatience so much of the time.

You reminded me that I've been wanting to learn more about O'Donohue and I went to https://www.johnodonohue.com/ and started watching the short video clip on the home page. And a photo came up that looks exactly like my favorite walk on the Vineyard. So much of the rural end of the Island looks like Ireland and Scotland (or so I am told since I have never been unfortunately...but someday!) and I'm convinced that I have that landscape in my blood. Right at the beginning of the video he says, "When you bring your body out into the landscape, you're bringing your body home." YES! I probably should learn a little bit more about Celtic spirituality too....thank you as always for your thought provoking comments.

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darn i wanted to be the FIRST to re-stack THIS ...talk about 'ego" huh?

as for us "messing up nature" i've gravitated towards the less stressful notion we are but a flea on HER broad vast wondrous back (or thin? lol) she has always made it up as she goes and over the millennia too and we are only making things uncomfortable for ourselves by disrespecting her

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I'd go with that!

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Susie Middleton

Sitting with mysterious in-between experiences and emotions can be challenging, confusing and frightening to me. I love that you sat yourself right down in that space. And then wrote your way through this so beautifully. As always. Thank you. I always learn from your writing 🙏❤️

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Thank you Priscilla! I think I have a new-found curiosity about those in-between experiences!

And I learn from you as well! love bumping into you. xo Susie

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Susie Middleton

Ps I want that cup!

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It's from Emma Bridgewater - I wait for the sales and the "no shipping fee" and then order!

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Susie Middleton

I love dragonflies, it my favorite symbol. I am moving quickly into a new stage of being old, I am feeling the need to figure out how I’m going to live this very stationary life for a long time and then realize all I need to do is today and wait for a new adventure. Thank you for this.

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Roberta, I understand. My dad (Robert) is in the same boat. We're all still ourselves inside as we grow old - we think we're kids or 20 or 30 and then one day we realize - wow, not so much anymore! Taking things one day at a time is always smart, and you never know what adventures may await; they take many forms - even the form of a dragonfly!

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Susie, this is gorgeous. I was right there with you. Thank you for bringing us along.

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Thank you for coming along, Kim!!

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Susie Middleton

Nice writing! I totally get everything you’re saying. It’s so gratifying to be able read this and think to myself “yeah, I know what you mean” or “wow, I didn’t know that, but it totally makes sense”, like the “thin place” (I’ve been there!) and that teeny temperature drop noticed when going down a path (there’s a spot on my property where that happens (in the early evenings only) and it always brings me joy to sense it, feel it, walk through it. Once back up the paths’ incline, I seem to completely forget about it until the next time, and then I smile again, even if things in life are not so good.

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Hi Jessica and thank you - I know you know all about the power of nature. You have always inspired me with your connections. I'm glad you have a "dip" in your path, too, and that it feels good to walk through it! Ah, we just never know, do we?!!

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