“I lose track of time, puttering around doing mostly nothing, and the voices in my head quit hijacking my attention – an enormous relief from the constant instant messaging from my internal to-do list.”

I can so relate to this Susie. Just yesterday, I spent a couple of hours in the gardens and all that chatter going on in my mind, quieted and just disappeared. The weather warmed up and the blue skies were gorgeous. Such a soothing balm.

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This is a poem xo

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Apr 7Liked by Susie Middleton

This graf, Susie: "I can’t help thinking of the people who don’t have shelter or food or safety. And the people who try to help those people. And the people who die trying to help other people live. And yet we go on living."

This is the gist of what has occupied my thoughts all week. xx

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Apr 7Liked by Susie Middleton

And yet we go on…

I’m glad you kept this piece short because it is so big - and full. You’ve penned enough words (and moody photos) that express many of my daily musings (and I see, of my fellow readers) spanning wonder and sadness, joy and grief.

I’m inspired to find joy today- the sun is out and will get to 50F! I’ll get the Easter pansies into an outdoor planter before I start the “rest of the list”.

More importantly, I am going to upgrade my donation the World Kitchen to a recurring amount. That won’t help me feel less guilty, but it will at least help those who are putting their lives at risk to help others.

PS The computer narrator did a decent job today but only because she paid attention to your punctuation!

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I think about the same thing all the time. Thanks for putting it into such lovely words.

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You’ve captured so much in this piece, thank you for sharing

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Apr 7Liked by Susie Middleton

Once again, your words go straight to my heart. Thank you. Pick a pansy for me, please, and I’ll be with you in the shelter of the hoop house for a moment ❤️

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Apr 7Liked by Susie Middleton

Heartbreakingly beautiful. ❤️

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