Since I sent the last Garden Gram, a few weeks went by in a blur of work and travel to see Dad. So I apologize for the interrupted delivery! To catch up, this week I’ve got three garden updates for you instead of a focus on one variety.
First, my experimental daffodil cutting bed with eight different varieties has performed beautifully. Below, I’ve got some photos of each variety and a very amateur video tour of the bed for you.
Next, the experimental tulip bed in the fenced vegetable garden is also doing great (photo above); all the varieties are performing strongly outside, whereas some of the varieties in the hoop house in crates fizzled out — I suspect from not enough water and too much daytime heat in the hoop house. In the veg garden bed, a bodacious double tulip matured this week – and it wasn’t what I thought it was going to be!
Lastly, I finally got some time to do a little garden work today. I took an actual vacation day. And I am so behind (and I mean really behind – I haven’t started most of my seeds yet) that I had to start at the beginning with potting up the many pansy varieties I’ve been collecting at nurseries. For most of you in the rest of the country, you’re probably thinking pansies are so last month, but here on the Island where the nighttime temperatures are still in the 30s (high 20s predicted tonight), it’s still pansy weather. And I have a new favorite pansy which I discovered with my sister last week at The Brush Factory in Lewes, Del.
More on each of these below!