Garden Gram #14: An Imperfect Guide to Making a Tomato Can Arrangement
— for those of you who enjoy hopping on the learning curve at any point.
In my little flower world (the one I have created for myself), I am neither amateur nor expert when it comes to flower arranging. I’m not a beginner or a middler or an advanced practitioner. I am just traveling along my own learning curve, enjoying the ride. I look at books, watch some videos, and wait for the day when I can take some real courses. And I practice!
All this is to say that I’m basically bumbling my way through learning to arrange flowers, looking for a style (or styles) that suit me, playing around with color palettes, and mostly getting to the end of every project and saying, “That’s so pretty! It looks great! I’m so pleased with myself!” and “But there’s a hole! I think the shape is too round! It’s not relaxed enough! There are too many flowers the same size and no focal point! The colors don’t quite work!”
You see my point: This is a craft with a huge learning curve and much room for frustration. But it is also…flowers. Flowers are beautiful no matter what you do to them and playing with flowers is incredibly fun – and so, in a sense, you cannot fail at this.
That’s my opinion, anyway, and I’m sticking to it.
If you DO happen to be an expert flower arranger, read no further. But if you’re somewhere on the beginning end of the learning curve, you might like to try your hand at what I call a tomato can arrangement.